Friday, February 20, 2009

The real problem with the Stanford scandal

What little faith I had in human intelligence is severely shaken. What gets me is that Robert Allen Stanford could be so stupid about it! Are there no evil geniuses left in the world? All we have now are evil dumbasses? How does a guy do a thing like this and then just sit around waiting to get got? Why didn't he run away? He knew the SEC was onto him and the FBI was looking for him. He defrauds thousands of people, steals billions of dollars, and then hides in Virginia. Did he not think the FBI knows how to get to Virginia? I know it feels far away from Texas, but he knows what the U in USA stands for right? He's smart enough to hide his banks in Barbados but he's not smart enough to get his person to the Dominican Republic or someplace that doesn't extradite? What the heck do they use those corporate jets for anyway?

Same with that financial advisor dude from Indiana or wherever it was that tried to fake his own death. He plans the whole thing out to the last details, jumps out of a multimillion dollar plan, lets it crash in the everglades, and then limps into a Motel 6 still dragging his parachute like Will Smith in Independence Day? He didn't think the hotel manager would call the cops?

Considering the mental handicap these guys are dealing with, it's no wonder they've turned to a life of crime.